Conquer the Mississippi Security Guard Exam 2024 - Be the Guardian You’re Meant to Be!

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While on the job, one of your co-workers continuously tells sexist jokes. He only does this when men are present. You know other co-workers have told him that the jokes are inappropriate on several occasions. What is the most appropriate course of action?

Quit your job immediately

Inform a supervisor that the co-worker is telling sexist jokes

Telling the supervisor about the co-worker's sexist jokes is the most appropriate course of action. Options A and C are not appropriate as quitting the job would not solve the problem and keeping it to yourself would enable the behavior to continue. Option D is too vague and does not provide a solution. It is important to address the issue with a supervisor in order to create a safe and respectful work environment for all employees. Allowing the behavior to continue could lead to a hostile work environment and potential legal consequences for the company.

Keep it to yourself to protect your co-worker

None of the above


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